Friday, May 30, 2008

Oh, What a Morning

The shearer arrived at 8:30 this morning to take the wool off the sheep. After all was done and cleaned up, and one of the twins put down for a nap, I fed the goats and Flicker didn't come down.

Yesterday she didn't come down because she had her head stuck in the fence so after I extracted her I pulled all the goats into the front pasture for the day as we knew she was getting close to her date. After we had all the sheep caught for shearing last night we put the goats back in the woods again.

So Jeff checked on her today about 11 or so, and she had delivered a healthy baby girl. I went up and clamped the navel as it was long. Also gave the baby and mom some goat drench and mom some feed. Baby is up and wobbling around, nursing and getting cleaned off by mom. She is all black with a white top knot like her sire.

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