Tuesday, September 23, 2008

All Hot and Flushed

We're in another dry spell as rain (and petrol) goes but the pasture is doing better this time around. Everyone is healthy and filling out in time for breeding season approaching. The days are noticeably getting shorter -- and cooler, too. The zinnias and cosmos are setting seed and we are getting some late blueberries setting fruit.

Flicker's doeling is starting to get her cashmere in and it looks to be a lovely brown color. Unfortunately she loves to stick her head through the woven wire because, as you know, the grass is always greener on the other side. Her dam tried it twice but seems to have learned her lesson. The bucklings are strutting their stuff and contributing greatly to the Eau de Ranch. The grey buckling is nicely enhanced with peppered markings while the white buckling has a lovely pouf of exquisitely styled hair that amazingly always stays put.

Eve is wearing her black eyeliner and best pink lipstick in preparation for breeding season. Kayla and her little wether lamb, Valentino, are now with the rest of the flock and have adjusted nicely. Martina seems to have taken to him and seems to have an air of regality to her now that she is not on the bottom of the pecking order.

The Highland steer is doing quite nicely and seems to have weaned himself already. We gradually reduced the ratio of milk replacer to warm water and I guess he wasn't liking what the bottle bar was serving lately. He still nurses Lil Hot Shot for whatever he can get.

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