Monday, July 6, 2009

What Happened Overnight?

At some point overnight, Flicker decided to reject the grey and white doeling, even with temptation of grain present in the morning. I got a good amount of milk replacer in the little girl and put her back out but no luck throughout most of the morning with mom or the replacer so kept her in most of the time due to rain.

Finally after washing her up, and making sure she was dry, Flicker all of a sudden let her nurse a little bit. But then back to rejection and favoring the multi girl.

The little gal understandably isn't really interested in the milk replacer and wants to nurse anything moving.

So back out to the field at near midnight with her but no luck finding the multi girl who was hidden somewhere really really well. Back to the shed to get grain and finally, with all the sheep and other goats huddled around the fence for grain, she had an opportunity to nurse mom who was pigging out and didn't seem to mind. Hopefully she got enough to last until morning. We'll let her be out there with everyone unless there is a rain or she starts to get noisy.

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