Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cashmere Wethers for Sale $75 Each (SALE PENDING 4/5/11)

Wethers are castrated males that will look feminine (small dainty horns, less developed bodies), act feminine (well, as feminine as any goat can manage), and smell feminine (and at the very least NOT at all like intact male bucks). These former boys were born the first two weeks of February and my how they've grown! Standing on the rock so proudly is #36 Lightning Boy (cream white). Hiding behind the hay is #37 Fancy Boy (silver white). Near the fence is #35 Flicker Boy (cream white). And lower on the rocks is #34 Racer Boy (silver white). They will all have white cashmere that can be shed, combed or sheared next spring and would make wonderful fiber-producing friends, pasture ornaments or weedeaters. ________________________________________________________________

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